The Connection Between Inflammation and Cancer

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Inflammation is the body’s own defensive way of healing itself. When you have an injury or illness with an infection your body sends fresh blood to the infected area. The area usually swells, is warm, and may be red. This is a signal to us that we have an infection and should watch and safeguard the area. Sometimes, and especially if the body is in a weakened state of immunity, this inflammatory process can become chronic which can lead to permanent changes such as arthritis. Auto-immune diseases and their treatments can also increase your risk for developing cancers since auto-immune diseases are characterized by chronic inflammation.

Inflammation is something that cancer cells love having around; all that extra blood and oxygen are two things that cancer cells thrive and grow on. Chronic inflammation can also affect your immune system taking away your ability to fight inflammation.

Armed with this knowledge there are things we can do as individuals to help reduce chronic inflammation. Eating a diet rich in colorful fruits and vegetables, containing phytonutrients, leafy greens, fatty fish containing Omega 3 fatty acids, healthy fats from nuts and seeds and spices like turmeric, and ginger.

Keeping ourselves calm and getting adequate sleep can also help.

Arm yourself whenever you visit the grocers and select foods that are your body can use to help fight chronic inflammation. Be aware of all the foods that can cause inflammation such as wheat products and dairy and additives in processed foods.

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